
Last update: 2 July 2014


June 11th

What PES are? Concepts and controversies

Alain Karsenty, CIRAD

What have we learnt on designing Pes? A critical economist’s view.

Stefanie Engel, ETH Zurich

Environmental governance: are markets the solution?"

Arild Vatn, University of Norway

Biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services.

Denis Couvet, MNHN

Legal stakes and issues around Pes.

Alexandra Langlais (IODE)

What nature and what equity in Pes? Cross problems of environmental ethics and environmental justice.

Virginie Maris (CEFE, CNRS)

Mapping market instruments: scope, methods and impacts."

Romain Pirard (CIFOR)

"Innovative Financial Mechanisms for Biodiversity."  A study for the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Judicaël Fétiveau (GRET)

June 12th

The Psa-h of Yucatán, Mexico: from the specificities of implementation to the assessment of impacts. Some results of Pesmix project.

Céline Dutilly (CIRAD)

The future of Pes in Mexico and of their interaction with other public programs."

Juan Manual Torres Rojo (CIDE)

Pes as ’policymix’

David Barton (NINA)

Public service and Pes: the terms of the integration of forest resources management instruments in Madagascar.

Sigrid Aubert (CIRAD)

The role of social equity revisited in Pes

Unai Pascual (BC3)

Government program ’Socio Bosque’ in Ecuador: presentation and analysis of the first initiative of national Pes in South America.

Benjamin Landreau (GreenEco Land)

PhD session

PES in Mexican common forests: who get it and what does it change?

Gwenole Le Velly (CERDI)

Mixing regulations by constraint and economic incentives: the exempe of one REDD+ project in Brazil.

Gabriela Simonet (CEC-CIRAD)

PES and forest concessions in Central Africa.

Florian Claeys (CIRAD-LEF)

The implementation of REDD+ mechanism: a sociological analysis of REDD+ projects in Madagascar

Laura Brimont (CIRAD-AgroParisTech)

PES : scales of action and local accessibility of data

Mylène Rivière (CNRS - University of Bordeaux Montaigne)

Biodiversity and organizations strategies : developing tools to manage multiple and intertemporal interrelationships

Ciprian Ionescu (ORÉE)

June 13th


Laurent Piermont (MEB, CDC)

Real rights in favour of biodiversity: how can law contribute to the Pes implementation in France?

Bernard Labat (Humanité et Biodiversité)

The legal status of ecosystem services provided by pollinators.

Philippe Billet (University of Lyon 3)

Pes and environmental offsets: theoretical and empirical differences and similarities.

Harold Levrel (IFREMER)

Water Pes and the Epi Water project: lessons learnt from the evaluation of economic policy instruments for sustainable water management in Europe.

Pierre Strosser (ACTEON)

Evaluation of existing Pes-like instruments and Pes opportunity analysis in Flanders, Belgium."

Dieter Mortelmans (INBO)

Last update: 2 July 2014